ARDL has a full staff of experts in the rubber, plastics and testing fields available to provide training.
A variety of training topics are listed below. If you do not see the training you want or need something tailored to your business let us know. We are able to accommodate most requests. Training can be done at our laboratory sites in the greater Akron area or we can come to your facility. Our courses run from 30 minutes up to 3 days and courses may be combined. The comprehensive Intermediate to Advanced Rubber Compounding Course includes many of the short courses listed below. Laboratory tours may be incorporated into training sessions as well. Training sessions are priced on a per hour basis, making it economical if you have several people to train.
- Adhesion Course
- Analytical Chemical Testing of Rubber
- Anti-degradants for Rubber
- Basic Dynamic Viscoelastic Properties Review
- Basic Rubber Compounding
- Dynamic Viscoelastic Properties Review and Effect of Rubber Compound Ingredients
- Compound Design, Problem Solving and Failure Analysis in the Rubber Industry
- Elastomer Polymer Chemistry
- Fillers: Non-black and Carbon Black
- Intermediate to Advanced Compounding and Testing of Rubber
- Plasticizers and Process Aids
- Processing and Plant Warehousing
- Rubber Compound Design, Testing, Warehouse Storage
- Vulcanization and Curing Chemistry